Net-zero buildings have the potential to create as much energy as they consume over the course of each year. They’re the result of imagining, designing and building in a completely new way. Talk with Energy Trust of Oregon to help make it happen.
To design and construct a Path to Net Zero building, project teams first establish a clear energy-efficiency target and a plan of approach. We make this goal-setting process as simple as possible by focusing on two key areas: the Energy Use Intensity (EUI) of the building and initial design strategies for fundamental building systems.
Energy Trust’s Path to Net Zero offering supports the entire design and construction process, from project kick-off through completion and occupancy.
Net Zero Early Design Assistance
Incentive Details |
Project Kick-Off Meeting | A New Buildings outreach manager will meet with the project team to discuss and establish an initial EUI target and energy-efficient design strategies, as well as walk through the Zero Tool to establish an initial EUI and target. The Zero Tool was developed by Architecture 2030 as a user-friendly way to define EUI and benchmark buildings. |
Early Design Assistance | Up to $6,500 to offset the cost of a design charrette. |
Construction Document Review | Energy Trust will review construction documents to ensure they align with the target and strategies set during kick-off and planning. |
Technical Assistance
Studies may include, but are not limited to:
- Early design shoebox modeling
- Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis
- Daylighting studies
- Energy modeling
- Commissioning design review
Incentive Details |
Solar Early Design Add-on | $500 for including a Solar trade ally in your Early Design Assistance meeting |
Solar Development Assistance | Up to $2,500 to determine the solar potential of your building. |
Battery Storage Development Assistance | Up to $5,000 to determine the storage potential of your project |
Solar Ready Design | Up to $15,000 to build to Energy Trust solar ready standards |
Solar Installation | Up to $15,000 to install a solar electric system. (Increased incentive amounts available for qualifying nonprofits, tribes and affordable multifamily housing) |
Battery Storage Installation | Up to $15,000 to install a battery storage system. |
Installation Incentives
- Modeled savings: $0.40 per kWh, $1.20 per therm
- Standard and/or special measure incentives
Completion and Post-Occupancy
Incentive Details |
Energy Metering | Up to 50% of the cost of energy metering, up to $20,000. |
Zero Energy Certification
Energy Trust can provide $2,000 for zero energy certification from the International Living Future Institute (ILFI).
See our Forms + Resources page for additional information.
We’re here to explain the process and benefits. Send us an email at