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Solar + Storage for Buildings

Store extra solar power to provide essential backup during an outage 

Solar power can help your organization manage energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint. Adding smart battery storage to a solar system allows it to do even more, providing greater control, convenience and peace of mind. Solar + storage provides clean, renewable power for your facility and saves any extra solar energy in a battery storage system to provide backup power during an outage. Your solar panels recharge the batteries daily.

Sized to meet your needs

Battery storage can be sized to meet different goals. You can maintain basic operations — lights on and essential equipment running — if your site experiences a temporary power outage. Or, if you have a critical facility such as a fire station, you can size up battery storage to remain fully functional 24/7, even during extended outages.

Control energy costs

By producing your own clean energy from the sun, you can save significantly on electricity bills — month after month, year after year. Depending on your utility rate plan, you might also be able to maximize net metering and the value of your smart battery storage to control costs by storing your solar energy to use during more expensive peak periods in the day.

Incentives available

Energy Trust cash incentives and federal tax credits (or elective pay for tax-exempt organizations) reduce the cost of installing solar + storage or adding storage to existing solar. Energy Trust also offers Solar Development Assistance and Battery Storage Development Assistance incentives to help determine your project’s potential, for little or no cost to you. Public entities, nonprofits and other qualifying customers also may be eligible for grants from other sources to help install solar + storage.

Expert guidance

Energy Trust can connect you with qualified solar trade allies, who can help with initial system design and planning, provide custom bids for your solar + storage project and line you up with available incentives.


How solar + storage works

Diagram showing flow of energy from solar panels to inverter, back and forth to and from battery storage, into electrical panel, back and forth to and from utility meter and utility grid, and finally into business.


  • Solar panels use sunlight to produce electricity.
  • A solar inverter converts the energy from direct current to alternating current so it can power your building. It also directs the flow of energy to your building and batteries.
  • The batteries, which are installed on your property, store solar energy.
  • Any solar not needed to power your building or batteries flows onto the electric grid, and you receive a credit on your utility bill. Learn more about net metering.
  • During an outage, your building automatically disconnects from the grid and your solar + storage system powers the essential items you have selected, such as lighting.
  • The solar panels recharge the batteries every day, so it can provide backup power even during extended outages. The amount available will depend on the size of your system, the season and your energy use.

Solar + Storage FAQs

Why is solar + storage better than solar alone?

If you have a solar system without storage, you will not have power during an outage. Rooftop solar systems are required to turn off during an outage as a safety measure to protect repair crews working on power lines. Solar + storage helps make your building energy resilient because it works differently. During an outage, your system safely disconnects your building from the electrical grid and continues to provide you with electricity. Depending on your utility rate plan, you might also be able to use stored solar power to manage energy costs.

Will solar + storage power my whole building or facility?

Solar + storage typically won’t allow you to fully operate as usual during a power outage. But you can count on it to power essentials to maintain basic operations. You choose which items or circuits you want to serve with backup power. This will vary depending on your needs and the size of your battery storage system, but it could include things like lighting, cash registers, phone chargers, computers, a refrigerator or a well pump. Solar panels produce energy every day to recharge the batteries, but the amount available will change depending on the weather, the season, your energy use and the number of batteries that you install.

Are incentives available?

Yes, to decrease the upfront cost of your project, Energy Trust offers cash incentives for qualifying solar and smart battery storage systems, as well as smart battery storage added to existing solar systems. We also offer Solar Development Assistance and Battery Storage Development Assistance incentives to help with initial planning that can determine the potential of project, often with no or minimal cost to you. You may also be eligible for a federal tax credit or federal elective pay option. Public entities, nonprofits and other qualifying customers may also be eligible for grants. An Energy Trust solar trade ally contractor can explain available incentives. Get a free bid.

How much does it cost to add solar + storage?

The cost for solar + storage varies greatly by the size of the system, location and if you qualify for tax credits. Energy Trust incentives, federal tax credits and accelerated depreciation combined could save up to 50%. Nonprofits, tribes and affordable multifamily housing may qualify for increased incentives for the solar portion of solar + storage projects. The best way to find out how much it would cost for your building is to request a free analysis and bid from Energy Trust solar trade allies. Get a free bid.

Why choose solar + storage instead of a backup generator?

Other portable and hard-wired backup power systems depend on fossil fuels, and you could run out of fuel during a long outage or not have access to fuel in the case of an earthquake. With a solar + storage system, the solar panels continue to generate clean, renewable energy to power your essential loads and charge the batteries daily. It’s clean, quiet and safe. Plus, solar helps lower your electric bill, so your business benefits from your system every day, not just during power outages. And by installing solar + storage, you can demonstrate your organization’s commitment to a clean, sustainable future.

If I already have solar panels, can I add storage?

Yes, you can add battery storage to existing solar systems. Smart battery storage added to solar can qualify for Energy Trust Battery Storage Development Assistance  and battery storage installation incentives as well as federal tax credits.

Won’t my solar panels power my building during an outage? Why should I add battery storage?

Solar installations are required to disconnect from the grid during a power outage to protect repair crews working on utility lines. That means you won’t have power unless you also install battery storage. With solar + storage, the solar panels send power into your battery storage, which then provides emergency backup power to your building.

Are all battery storage systems the same?

Battery storage systems vary, from simple battery backup (typically lead acid) that only works during a power outage to more advanced or “smart” systems (typically lithium-ion) that can be used every day and include building energy monitoring. Most advanced systems have a phone app or computer dashboard that shows your real-time energy use and where you’re drawing energy from: your solar panels, battery storage or the grid. Smart storage systems qualify for Energy Trust incentives and can be programmed for a variety of needs.

How will I know how much energy is available to use?

The battery storage system will usually tell you. On simple models, it may be an LED screen on the unit itself showing how much energy your battery is holding. More advanced systems can provide updates to your mobile phone or a computer dashboard.

Is this the same as going “off grid?”

No. Your building is still connected to the electric utility grid. But solar + storage gives you more control and increases your energy independence so that during an outage you can rely on the energy your solar + storage system produces and stores.

Why is energy resilience important?

Oregonians are vulnerable to a range of natural hazards—including storms, wildfires, earthquakes and tsunamis—that could damage poles, wires or substations. That’s why Oregon’s Office of Emergency Management encourages everyone to be “2 Weeks Ready,” so you are prepared to be on your own for a minimum of two weeks in the event of an earthquake or other major incident. Solar + storage makes your building more energy resilient. It can provide you with essential backup power that recharges daily, so will have backup power to help protect business investments and keep your  essential operations going during an outage.

How can I learn if solar + storage is right for my building?

The best way to get started is to request a free bid. We will connect you with trusted Energy Trust solar trade allies in your area who can perform a custom analysis of your building, explain the incentives available and answer all your solar + storage questions. With Storage Development Assistance and Battery Storage Development Assistance incentives, a solar trade ally can also help with initial planning to determine the potential of your project, at little to no cost to you.

 Need Help? Contact Us.

If you have more questions about solar + storage or you need whole-building  backup, email our solar team.